The army of people in Damian's life:

(I use pseudonyms to protect their privacy and my ability to speak honestly)

NOTE: This list is massively out of date. Damian is now in a regular public elementary school and has fewer therapists and different friends. I keep this page up because I know many people read through my archived essays and logs and it may be a useful touchstone for them.

At School
Cheri and Eliza are the heads of Damian's floor-time based preschool. Cheri is in charge of the school itself, Eliza leads the floor time program, but they're both involved in running the whole place. To complicate matters (but in a good way), Cheri is our floor time supervisor.
Damian is currently in the Jumpstart class (HFA/Aspergers kids). He started there July '02. His teacher is Tania. She's wonderful. TAs: Kathy, Kenny.

(Former teachers: May, Linda, Alan. Former TAs: LaBelle, Vincent, Denine, others)

Floor Time therapists
Kahuna: Hawaiian. A big man, very physical, lots of hide and seek and such. He does a lot of sensory-motor work with Damian (running around, blowing bubbles, etc -- engaging the body and regulating the senses). He sees Damian once a week at home or on a play date with another child (we'll alternate weeks with each).

Robin: Frizzy black hair. A single mom. She has an extensive background in play therapy, and she comes up with inventive ways to engage Damian. He warmed up to her immediately. She has a real maternal energy. She sees him once a week at school.

Streak (she has blonde streaks in her dark hair): Some people seem to contain magic. She's one of those rare ones. Great high affect, and it feels completely natural. She really knows how to raise his creative thinking. She sees him once a week at home and once at school on a weekly playdate with his best buddy Corey.

Julia: She starts Sept '03 as his shadow at the typical preschool twice a week. He won't know she's there for him and has no previous relationship with her. Should be interesting.

Former floor timers: Jean, Sally, Callie, Colette.

(Former floor timers from another vendor: Silver, Gamma, Bonnie, Karen.)

Other therapists
Bird. Damian's speech therapist. Willowy, earnest. Quiet with adults but charming with the kids. Damian has two hours a week with her, broken into four half hour sessions. He sees her at school.

Former STs: Laura, Hallie. Laura was the first therapist of any kind that Damian saw. She turned us onto Greenspan. I'm in her debt.
Occupational therapists:

Heidi (her real name). His first OT. For a long time, we continued to pay for one visit with her every week even though he gets two hours paid for by the school district. She's that good. She has a magic touch and a wonderful rapport with Damian. He'll do things for her he won't do for anyone else. She's singlehandedly gotten him over so many hurdles. We may start with her again.

Rivka. Clinic-based (at a gym with fun equipment). Gentle. Intelligent. She's been working on his tolerance for tactile challenges (skating on shaving cream, smearing jam on crackers, finger painting, etc) as well as the usual.

He saw Nadia at school for two years, but she left on maternity leave. A new permanent OT has yet to be hired, but his IEP gives him an hour of school-based OT per week.

Other children

Jules is blond, lots of energy. His verbal skills lag a bit but he's a social kid. He's come a long way in the past couple of years (he and Damian were in an early intervention class together at age 2 1/2). He and Damian have become friends. Corey has become Damian's best friend over the past year. His first best friend. There are currently seven kids in the class, maybe eight (all boys). There will eventually be nine.

Former classmates: James (who was a friend), Percy (withdrawn but a friend of sorts), Jack (severely autistic), Sidney (fairly severe, lashed out at Damian), Bobby (friendly but overwhelmed Damian). Evan (wasn't around long). Lucas (good kid; he switched to a different class).
Others: This list is still short, but Damian's been interacting some with kids outside of school.

Damian plays with a few other kids on a regular basis. I'll return to this list as I need to update it with references.

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